

作者:337调查站2023-07-26 16:30:17


是不是这个 曲:dj play a love song 歌手:jamie foxx 专辑:unpredictable i know you see me lookin' at you and i know he know you lookin' at me well....damn dj won't you play this girl a love song she really needs to hear this freakin' love song she's lookin' at me kinda hard, i can tell that things ain't right on


When I was young (当我小时候) I'd listen to the radio (聆听收音机) Waiting for my favorite songs (等待着我最喜欢的歌曲) When they played I'd sing along (当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱) It made me smile (我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑) Those were such happy times (那时的时光多么幸福) and not so long ago (且它并不遥远) How I wondered (我记不清) where they'd gone (它们何时消逝) Bu


  • 我确定是 Thomas Gold和Jillian Edwards 合作的《Magic》,下面是歌词,你搜来听听看是不是这首

  • 歌曲:Magic

    演唱:Thomas Gold 、Jillian Edwards

Baby, who was I before I met you

Honestly I'm too scared to look back

Like a wildfire deep inside got turned loose

You're the only one who made me feel that

Now the sun is setting, let it take you baby

Take every drop of you and drink you in

Now I know

You put the magic in my bones

Now I know

You put the magic in my bones

You put the magic in my bones

You put the magic in my bones

Now when I look at you

I can't move, I'm dreaming

I wanna keep this moment froze in time

Nothing you can do to undo those three words

It's enough to bring a dead heart back to life

Now I know

You put the magic in my bones

Now I know

You put the magic in my bones

You put the magic in my bones

You put the magic in my bones

Now I know

You put the magic in my bones

求助 找一首歌。

菁华浮梦-小诗 歌词 白绫纱 青丝发 你眉目亦如画 恍惚间 相望早已无话 心如麻 千古月 付韶华 那一瞬 成刹那 逝年华 转身 泪流如雨下 抱琵琶 声声弹 咫尺却隔天涯 空回首 一场盛世繁华 如昙花 红朱砂 卓风华 倾城颜 吟蒹葭 桃花尽 转身 寂寞的喧哗 夜 五更寒的空洞 暗哑 江山长卷 却也泛黄 被历史风化 你 我一生的牵挂 沙哑 花前月下 化漫天黄沙 抱琵琶 声声弹 咫尺却隔天涯 空回首 一场盛世繁华 如昙花 红朱砂 卓风华 倾城颜 吟蒹葭 桃花尽 转身 寂寞的喧哗 杀 为你杀为你夺天下 颠覆天下 我亦无怨 生死中挣扎 念 誓言的真与假 倾塌 咫尺天涯 相望已无话 夜 五更寒的空洞 暗哑


1《雨天是放声哭泣的时间》 (旋律一开始就被迷住了,走过忧伤 告别快乐 留下美丽的心碎记忆) 2《放弃》(有句话很经典:我们可以转身 但不必回头..声音很清新明净,赞!) 3《you ll just never know》 (婉转的调调很好听丶舒服...) 4吐血推荐《negative things 》 (ray推荐,绝对好听~~ ) 5《天亮前说晚安》 (站在陌生城市的街头,若我微笑,是我,想起你。“悲伤恋歌” 的主题曲。。好悲哀。但我超喜欢。。。回忆回忆) 6《If..》 (倘若,有一天天晴了,记得为自己储备一点阳光。我怕天黑,你会难过。我已发誓褪弃,我很好。只是,不再需要你。) 7《我