
在电影院We shouldn't

作者:337调查站2022-08-22 16:30:21

在电影院里不该干什么,该干什么的英语句子 10分钟

We should go to the cinema early. Otherwis, there won’t be any tickets left. 我们应当早点去电影院,否则将不会有任何票剩下。 We should keep quiet in the cinema.We mustn't speak loudly 我们应该在电影院里保持安静.我们不能大声说话.

在电影院里不该干什么,该干什么的英语句子 10分钟

We have to watch movie in the cinema. We have to be quiet in the cinema. We don't have to shout in the cinema. We don't have to run in the cinema. 如果要用should的话: We should watch movie in the cinema. We should be quiet in the cinema. We shouldn't shout in the cinema. We shouldn't run in the cinema.

我们既不能在电影院大声说话也不能吃东西 We should (not) speak loudly (and) eat in the cinema

应该是niether nor 既不..也不 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

我们不应该看太多的电视和太多的电影 英文怎么说

我们不应该看太多的电视和太多的电影 We shouldn't watch TV programs and films too often. We shouldn't watch too many TV programs and films.

we shouldn't sleep in the library we shouldn't t

你好答案如下: we shouldn't sleep in the library we shouldn't talk there (either) 翻译:我们不应该在图书馆里睡觉我们也不应该在图书馆说话